Sandberg Instituut Alumni
Agustina Woodgate, Sascha Krischock & Miquel Hervás Gómez
Wes Mapes, Anthony Smyrski, Alexander Cromer
UCIrvine Alumni
Ellen Schafer, Chris Warr, Caleb Engstrom, David Chen
Exhibition Dates: September 11 - September 25, 2021

The Place of Birth at PRJCTLA is a hybrid presentation that includes an exhibition of large scale prints from the Sandberg Instituut Alumni that are paralleled with UC Irvine Alumni actual physical works creating a visual dynamic from artists of the two different MFA programs. This physical paring is paralleled with a virtual element of interviews created by the Sandberg Institute and moderated by interviewer Adrian Madlener. This exhibition creates a virtual and physical bridge with the Sandberg Instituut and UC Irvine School of Arts and also a connection between Los Angeles and Amsterdam.
This show is part of an ongoing series of cultural exchange programs at PRJCTLA. The hybrid presentation is comprised of three elements: a virtual interview series, a presentation of printed publication pages and display of physical works of art. The presentation is named after publication The Place of Birth that was published by PS (Public Sandberg) in 2019 and includes all graduates listed by birthplace: publication.
Publication Soup in Los Angeles 2021 a hybrid presentation —Exhibition and interview series— from recent alumni from the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam and UC Irvine. The project is a collaboration with: Jules van den Langenberg is the curator at Public Sandberg that includes the artistic and social aftercare for Sandberg alumni, the collection, archive and publication of the graduates’ works hosted on the Sandberg Institute's website, Carl Berg is the director of PRJCTLA and is a longtime LA curator who has done numerous projects between The Netherlands and Los Angeles, and Ineke Bakker, is the coordinator of Sandberg Instituut’s Medialab and is the initiator and digital platform supporter for the interviews.

The Place of Birth is an exhibition that brings together artists from the Amsterdam based Sandberg Instituut and University of California Irvine. From Argentina to Pennsylvania, the pairings on show are part sculptures and part printed publication pages.